Sensual Phone Sex with Moira

Although I can certainly bring more to the table in terms of freakiness, sensual phone sex is my favorite—like the special dessert saved for last, or only offered on rare occasions so when you see it, you already start drooling and then savor every bite. Having a fella that sees me as the Irish princess that I am, rare and unspoiled, but eager to please…who would take his time with me and draw out our love-making session into something ethereal and pure…something I would dream over for months to come as I lay in my bed, caressing myself to the memories… This is the crème brulee of sex and how I crave it most!

Sensual Phone Sex

I don’t dream of some plastered man, off his face, stumbling to greet me—No! I dream of a handsome warrior bursting into my castle with grace and a smile, embracing me with gentleness…enveloping me with his woodsy scent, feeling his beard or stubble tracing my cheek as he pulls back to gaze into my green eyes. Perhaps he’ll lift me up and carry me off to lay with him under a giant weeping willow tree, hidden from the world and all the worries that go with it. I’ll be wearing a long dress of course and emeralds will dangle like dew drops from my ears. He’ll whisper into my ear, “Anamchara,” which is Gaelic for “soulmate,” and we’ll be so cloaked in our passion, neither of us will even remember it’s sensual phone sex, because it’ll feel SO real.

As we describe what we’re doing to each other, our skin will tingle in response and goosebumps will dance up my legs, cueing my pussy to blossom like a flower, opening with its sweet cream delicately dripping out in submission. Nothing will be rushed, and nothing will be forgotten. Every moment will be etched into our minds, into our sense memory, and although we may be afar, we’ll KNOW each other. Our souls will hum in unison. Even the sound of his voice will make my body open to him, time and again.

I don’t know where he is. But I can only hope that he’s reading this now and knows I’m waiting for him. My body trembles in anticipation of the love and pleasure he’ll bring…

Dial 1 888 8 FREAKY and ask to talk to Moira

Fetish Phone Sex : Anything Goes Phone Sex