Hiccup Fetish Phone Sex with Trixi

For most of my life, I was like most people and considered getting the hiccups a minor annoyance. Actually, I sometimes considered getting the hiccups a major annoyance and was very frustrated by it. But not anymore! Now I love hiccup fetish phone sex! I never gave any thought to someone else getting the hiccups . . . at least, I did not until something happened when i was in college. I sometimes hung out with a particular bunch of other college kids and there was this one younger lady that I really liked. I was afraid to let her know it because, as far as I knew, she was neither lesbian nor bisexual but as straight as a die. What’s more, she never seemed to really like me but just to kind of tolerate me. I more than tolerated her. I had a crush on her and often thought about her when I masturbated. But she almost never even smiled at me. Then one day, the bunch of us were at lunch and she got the hiccups. She was definitely upset and embarrassed about her hiccups. She drank water and drank water and drank water — but kept on hiccuping! The younger woman still had the hiccups when I left the group. I went to my room and masturbated to about three orgasms.

Hiccup Fetish Phone Sex

The memory of that odd incident is still strong in me and probably accounts for why i get such a kick out of hiccup fetish phone sex. Getting turned on by that young woman’s uncontrollable hiccups has left me with a permanent appreciation for hiccups. Being out of control, especially in public, has a sexual aspect to it. Having a noise come uncontrollably out oof your mouth is kind of kinky. A little while back, I got the hiccups and I tape recorded myself hiccuping. That was partly because I read of another phone flirt who tape recorded her own hiccups and partly because I really did want to listen to mine later. I understand why hiccups get people sexually turned on and I love to talk about it in hiccup fetish phone sex. Call Trixi at 1 888 8 FREAKY and you will get a good hiccup fetish phone sex talk!

Fetish Phone Sex : Anything Goes Phone Sex