Financial Domination Phone Sex with Trixi

I am a very beautiful woman. I am a very shapely woman. I am a very sensuous woman. I am a very imaginative woman. I am a very dominant woman. So I definitely deserve your money more than you do, you submissive caller! You work hard for your money but I am the one who deserves to enjoy that money that you made. You know that, don’t you? You know in your heart that you should turn over your cash to a beautiful and sensual woman like Trixi. That is why you call me up for financial domination phone sex. That is why your dick gets hard and your balls knot up by talking to me about the money you ought to spend on me. Knowing your hard-earned cash is turned over to a deserving female like Trixi makes you cum and cum good! I should have your money and you know it which is why financial domination phone sex is a surefire turn-on for you. Call me and I will sure as hell order you to turn those lovely green dollars over to me and you will sure as hell do it.

Financial Domination Phone Sex

This whole society is built on money. Hell, every society in the modern world is built on money because it has been the way people show power since we all made our way out of the caves.In a society built on money, nothing says domination like ordering someone to give me money. And just as surely, nothing says perfect submission like obeying an order to give a beautiful and dominant woman money. Nothing makes you feel lowly and humble like financial domination phone sex and nothing gets you more sexually excited than financial domination phone sex. Call me and we will get a sexy session going! Call me and have the best orgasm of your life! Call me right now!

1 888 8 FREAKY and ask for Trixi

Financial Domination Phone Sex with Piper

One of my love languages is receiving gifts. That’s part of why I love financial domination phone sex as much as I do. I love being showered in money, clothes, shoes, toys, and all kinds of things I enjoy like things for my hobbies or passions. Some call me materialistic but fuck all those people. I actually derive a lot of pleasure from the gifts I receive.It means someone cares about me. It doesn’t make me shallow. It just means I know what I’m worth. And what I’m worth is having someone show me how much they care.

Financial Domination Phone Sex

When you call me, I’ll tell you howto shower me in presents. There are SO many things you can give to me and make me happy. Anything from my passion for yoga to sex toys to kinky gifts and more. I love books, too, so feel free to get me a Kindle Unlimited subscription. Or Audible credits. Unless, of course, there’s a book you want me to read. Then, of course, just gift me the Kindle or Audible book. I can’t be as creative as I am without reading. And I know there are so many erotica books out there. I’ve even thought of publishing one myself.

But, anyway. I know what I want and that’s financial domination phone sex. So, give me a call if you’re serious about being dominated financially. I don’t do just do fantasy, babes. It’s no secret that I’m easy. So, give me a call and we can explore all the ways I can dominate you financially. Then again, any present you get me will make me smile. It is, after all, the thought that counts. Kisses for now. Call your dirty Princess Piper at 1 888 8 FREAKY.

Bratty Domme Phone Sex with Stefanie

I know what you’re thinking. You’re looking at me and you’re having trouble believing that I’m a bratty domme phone sex girl. You think I look way too sweet to ever be a brat to you. You’re probably thinking that a girl as adorable as me could never control you. See, that’s your first mistake. I might look sweet and even be sweet to the right person. But you? A loser like you is not the kind of person I’m ever going to treat as anything more than inferior. That’s what you are, you know. I am so much better than you, as are all women. I don’t even have to talk to you to know that. You’re a man, and by definition, that just makes you less worth of anything than me. But yeah, you’re a man and you think that entitles you to whatever you want. You’re wrong.

Phone Sex

You’re SO fucking wrong. A true bratty domme phone sex girl like me can put you in your place so fast your fucking head will spin. You will be so mesmerized by me that you might not even realize that you’re becoming addicted to me until it’s too late. But there are some (most of) you losers out there who will know it’s happening and that you’re fucked and you’ll do nothing to stop it. I’ll own your dick, your mind, your wallet, and whatever else I want to. You will spoil me beyond belief and you won’t even care that you have to go without. After all, you’re just a dumb loser boy and I’m a Princess who deserves everything. I’m ready for you to call me now, so don’t you dare keep me waiting. Just get on the phone and dial 1 888 8 FREAKY and ask to talk to Stefanie.

Sugar Daddy Phone Sex with Marc

I love to get men on the phone and drain all the cash from their wallets and bank accounts. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to have a full time sugar daddy who will pay anything for me to drive my big cock in any hole they want. Sugar daddy phone sex is what pays my bills, and my cum is what fills the holes of rich perverts who love the taste of my balls. You know who you are. You’ve got lots of cash and you’re tired of downloading free gay and bi porn all day. You need something real. Someone you can pay. You especially want a young, hot college stud who’s just waiting to take advantage of you and your finances. Did your last boy bail on you? Trade you in for another sugar daddy who had a better job and haven’t heard from him in a while? That won’t happen with me. I’m here to stay and collect the green!

Don’t worry, I’ll leave you enough dough to eat on and pay your rent or mortgage. But all that other expendable cash you really don’t need. Paying for an ungrateful and uncooperative escort? Paying an overrated porn subscription? Drop ’em all! Don’t give another dime. Cum with me and let’s have hot sugar daddy phone sex forever! You wanna lick my hole and my balls and up my long shaft? Twenty bucks and it’s yours. Wanna do more? Want me to drive my shaft deep inside you and fill you up with the thickest load of cum you ever saw? That’s what you’ll get, of course you’ll need to spend more time with me over the phone, like 30 minutes or so which of course drives the price of our sugar daddy call up. Did you know you can tip me too? An extra twenty won’t hurt and I’ll love it. Be my sugar daddy soon, give me some money.

Call 1 888 8 FREAKY and ask for Marc

Sugar Daddy Phone Sex with Aaliyah

Here’s the best part of sugar daddy phone sex. I don’t NEED your money. And certainly not as much and you’ll come to NEED my pussy! I’ve been a professional model for yeeeeears. I even have stocks. I’m smart with money, and I’m doing quite well for myself. But having YOU buy me things?? Now that’s just fun! AND shows me how grateful you are for my time and attention. And if you get off on having your wallet squeezed by a, well, yes, fairly high-maintenance woman such as myself—all the better!

Sugar Daddy Phone Sex

I had a wannabe sugar daddy call me the other week. I was straightforward with him. The clothes I wear for “normal” life aren’t necessarily flashy, but they are NICE. I like well-made brand names. And when I’m working, such as for shoots, or going out where people will know me, such as to clubs or parties, no–I’m not going to wear a dress from Walmart. I don’t say that to be rude, but when your looks and image ARE your career and living, it takes a certain price tag to maintain and cultivate. Just facts.

That being said, I’m not an ungrateful bitch. I really appreciate when men (and sometimes women!) buy me nice things. And I know they appreciate it too, especially if they see me wearing the things they get me in shoots. BUT, I DO have expectations. I’m a classy gal with my pick of men, and I don’t waste my time. If you want to call me for sugar daddy phone sex, then do know I’ll have certain expectations. And they aren’t unreasonable. Like I said, I don’t NEED your money. I don’t get kicks off of making men homeless or anything, lol, but I DO expect men to value me—and prove it.

This last man, I made a simple expectation of him–I wanted to hear from him once a week. If I’m your goddess, then hearing from you once a week is a small ask. He blubbered promises…but it’s been a week. That’s one thing you’ll learn about me, if you want me to dominate you, I will, but my natural disposition is to be very submissive to a man. BUT. I don’t grovel. I don’t beg. And I don’t wait by the phone or computer, praying to hear from you. If you want me, prove it. If you want me, earn it. If you want me, put your money where your mouth is. I don’t play games, and I call BS when I see it. But no hate. It’s okay. Most men only dream of being important enough to turn my eye. And many lie and try to play a part, but quickly realize they’re in over their head. Like I said, I do have expensive tastes. I admit it.

So what kind of man are YOU? Can you really walk the walk? Are you a big fish that owns the sea, willing and able to prove it?? I’d sure love to find out! Call me for sugar daddy phone sex if you think you’re fit for the job! 1 888 8 FREAKY and make sure you ask for Aaliyah. I’ll be your Asian princess and I promise you—we can foster a symbiotic relationship that will benefit us BOTH greatly! *wink*.

Financial Domination Phone Sex with Heaven

A plump piggy bank I can drain over and over? In this economy?! You’re as rare as a steel penny, as if you didn’t already know. Thankfully, financial domination phone sex is only one of my many kinky interests, since good swine is so hard to find. If you’re a dirty beast in need of a washing, I can hose you down and leave you out to dry. I enjoy getting whatever I want from any man. It’s not the money that turns me on. It’s the power exchange. Money is power and when you give your money to me, you submit your power to me willingly – I own a piece of everything you’ve worked to become. I own a piece of your masculinity. A piece of your identity. In exchange for my time, my cunning, my incomparable sexiness. It’s very unfair, don’t you think?

Financial Domination Phone Sex

Exactly the point. Financial domination phone sex isn’t “fair”. I create games you couldn’t possibly win, I move the goal post so you never quite stack up. If you reveal anything personal, I’ll go out of my way to use it to my advantage. Sometimes the stakes are low, sometimes they’re sky high – all that matters to me is that I win and you lose. Every time. My time is way too precious to spend it pretending to lose to the real loser. It just wouldn’t make sense. Oh, and that part about your wife, your house, your car…none of that matters to me. You’re here because you want to be. You want to see how far I’ll go, how tightly I’ll spin my manipulative web around you, how much of your power I want to possess. The thrill of knowing I might blow it all on a whim and you’ll have to start the game all over again. Oops, you lose. When I say I want more, that’s no time to resist.

1 888 8 FREAKY and ask for Heaven, if you dare.

Twitter: @heavencantwait0

Bratty Domme Phone Sex with Chloe

There are not many things in life that we can be sure of, but I am one hundred percent sure that that I was put on this earth to be the perfect bratty domme phone sex Princess. I can have any man I want eating out of my hand and serving me without even exerting much effort. I can smile or wink or even scowl and men still want me. Every time I go to the mall, I never have to pay. All I have to do is start flirting with some old married dude who is being ignored by his has been wife and I can get anything I want. It’s fun to sneak around behind their wives’ backs and then watch them get denied when they want to buy things. I guess the money was already spent on someone else. Whoops. Oh well. They will get over it.

Phone Sex

That’s only one way I own older men who love cute younger girls like me. I’m not going to give everything away in a blog post, but I feel pretty confident in saying that I am unlike any barely legal bratty domme phone sex Princess you have ever had the pleasure of talking to. Do you think you can handle me? I guess that remains to be seen. I know one thing for sure – you’re going to do your best to prove to me that you can resist me. I’m not worried because I know that you’re just lying to yourself. But what the fuck are you waiting for? You should be on the phone and asking the dispatcher to talk to me. I’m ready, waiting, and oh so bratty. You might be sorry you called me, but you’ll do it again. Trust me. Dial 1 888 8 FREAKY and ask for Chloe.

Financial Domination Phone Sex with Sunny

Step into the seductive realm of Mistress Sunny’s financial domination phone sex, where my greatest pleasure is to strip every last cent from you, my eager little pay piggies. I’ve honed my skills in seeking out the perfect subjects for my tantalizing control–those who gladly use their wealth to climb the ladder of life. But then, I gracefully enter the scene, making you willingly splurge on indulgences just for me. Don’t bore me with your tales of poverty or desires for a raise; instead, captivate me with stories of your amassed fortune and all the lavish gifts you plan to shower upon me. Whisper to me every little detail about your savings accounts, bank cards, credit cards, and net worth–for you see, darling, I am now your ultimate and exclusive investment. Surrender yourself entirely as I take full command over your financial prowess.

Financial Domination Phone Sex

“I’m sorry, Mistress Sunny, but I can’t afford anything more than 100 bucks.” Your response makes me laugh. There’s no chance, and you best be prepared with an overdraft or a credit card, because 100 isn’t going to cut it, not even for one pitiful oink. You must inform me of your savings and your intentions with them – financial domination is no joke, and if you can’t deliver the cash, why should I waste my time? Imagine you’ve gathered a measly 500 – I’d sneer at you, exclaiming “500? That’s all?” before snatching it away. As your financial dominatrix, I’d advise caution with your spending habits. After all, you have limited options. Make your choice now: 1. Surrender all you have to me at once, or 2. I will seize it from you gradually. “What will you decide?” As your gaze lingers on my enticing physique and my luscious curves, you know that someone like you could never possess me. You’ll stammer and swallow hard as I extend my hand, mentioning my desire for new shoes. Bit by bit and dollar by dollar, I will empty your wallet, and you’ll relinquish every last cent just for the privilege of feasting your eyes upon me in person. You fully grasp that I am worth every penny, darling human ATM; I deserve it all because your sole talent lies in succumbing to my financial control. That is why you labour tirelessly at your job – because Mistress Sunny possesses lavish tastes.

You will eagerly hand over all you own, caught in Mistress Sunny’s web of financial domination. Naturally, I’ll permit you to pay rent, maintain a modest food supply, and wear second-hand clothing – only enough to keep you working and further lining my pockets with your meagre resources. The moment you cease producing money for me to splurge on or indulging me with costly gifts, I’ll be gone since your value is entirely dependent on financial submission. Numerous other devotees lack the funds required to retain a bewitching mistress like myself; hence, prostrate yourself and appease Mistress Sunny.

“You must comply with my commands as a subservient little piggie.” Take a moment to absorb what I’ve said. Now retrieve that phone and let’s manage the allocation of my earnings, cash cow! Let out an obedient oink when you call me. And remember, if financial domination phone sex excites you, don’t even consider neglecting a generous tip after our conversation!

Call me at 1 888 70 HOT4U and ask to talk to Sunny

Financial Domination Phone Sex with Trixi

I know that this old lady is good-looking and sexy and can still turn a man on like a light bulb. Because I know I’m worth something, because I know I’m worth a lot, nothing suits me better than financial domination phone sex. A man ought to be willing to part with his money as a tribute to this gorgeous GILF. It is right that he make life easier for me with a good and very generous tip. As far as I’m concerned, in this very materialistic capitalist society, money is the root of all goodness! Money is the root of all power and seeing a fat tip make me know that I’ve got the power and the man who has tipped me is true in his submissiveness. What’s more, a tip shows me that I’m not dealing with some poor guy who can barely pay his bills but with a real man, a man with class. I consider myself a high-class dominatrix and I want a submissive man who has got class and has got money to make my life easier and more comfortable. If you are submissive, you show your submissiveness by opening up your wallet and giving me money.

Financial Domination Phone Sex

Financial domination phone sex is the greatest and strongest form of domination. A man who tips states, “You control me. You make me want to give you this money. You are strong enough and great enough as a mistress that I have to pay you well.” You know that old hooker saying, “Money makes me cum”? Well, it’s no joke. A good tip gets me turned on, gets me hot, and gets me to put my hands between my legs as I think about the man who shelled the tip out to me. The men who tip are the men I’m most likely to remember and think about even when I’m not on the job.

Dial 1 888 8 FREAKY and ask for Trixi for financial domination phone sex

Sugar Daddy Phone Sex with Winnie

I’m Winnie and you’re going to be my new sugar daddy! Sugar daddy phone sex is superrrr fun! I mean, look at me. I’m adorable and an attractive younger lady. I’m hot and you know it. You can’t resist my barely legal 18-year-old body. You’ll have to take care of me as soon as you hear my bubbly and irresistibly sweet voice. I want all of my bills paid for so I don’t have to worry about a single thing. You don’t want me to be stressed out, now do you? No? I thought so! A princess like me deserves to be loved and cared for with affection AND money. You’ll dip into your savings if you absolutely have to in order to keep a smile on my gorgeous face.
Sugar Daddy Phone SexI already have quite a few sugar daddies, but there’s no harm in adding a few more. I have a whole roster of them! I shouldn’t have to work at all. You SHOULD all work to keep me happy. I want lots of pretty things, such as manicures & pedicures, luxury handbags, jewelry, clothing, a brand new car customized to my liking just for me, and lavish vacations. If you’re lucky then you’ll get to see me showing off all my new things! I could model my tight young body in a whole new fit or micro bikini for you if I decide to let you see me in them. Satisfy me and I’ll make it worth your while.  You can’t resist sugary daddy phone sex with yours truly!

I’m cute so you’ll have to spoil me. I don’t believe in getting something for nothing so that something will be my affection and attention. That’s worth way more than any amount of money you’ll ever have, simp. You’ll be simping so hard for me. haha Men like you get off on being used by pretty girls. You’re a glutton for punishment, and that punishment is having all of your money being siphoned away by me until you have nothing left, not even your dignity will be there! Don’t worry. I won’t be too mean and bratty, unless you want me to be. lol

Just push these numbers in ~ 1-888-8-FREAKY and ask for Winnie for sugar daddy phone sex!
Twitter: @winniehunnipooh

Fetish Phone Sex : Anything Goes Phone Sex