Vore Phone Sex with Bristol

I enjoy some hardcore vore phone sex fun. There are so many different ways to do it. Orally, vaginally, and anally. How do you like to do it? I can shrink you down to something so very small and insignificant. Maybe I’ll shove you up my pussy or my tight asshole. Or, maybe I’ll just swallow you whole. Regardless, you’ll be spending some time exploring the inside of my body. Feel yourself go down, down, down; passed my teeth and tongue, down my throat, and into my belly. Or, swim in the river of my pussy juices. Explore the cave entrance of my asshole. That’s how small you would be.

Vore Phone Sex

Unless, of course, you’d rather be eaten by a gigantic monster of an Anaconda snake. It’s a massive beast of pet I have. I wouldn’t even need to shrink you down for that. My snake would just swallow you whole; you, a fully-grown man. That’s all you are is prey to me and my pets. We’re free to devour you in the best (or worst) ways. Or, maybe you’d be chum for a shark. Or food for an alien creature. How would you like that, huh?

Give me a call for some kinky vore phone sex action. Let’s see all the creative ways to eat you up. I’ll bet you’re scrumptious. Mmm! I’m getting hungry just thinking about it. And so are my pets. Hungry or thirsty. I could mix you into a drink and swallow you down; let my pets lap you up. Pick up your phone so you can go down to my tummy. I’ll keep you there so you can hear all the fun I have with other men or keep you as my prisoner. But, you’ll love every second of it. Don’t lie. Tell me all about your fantasy and let’s get naughty.

1 888 8 FREAKY and ask for Bristol for vore phone sex

Vore Phone Sex with Sybil

Wow! Sluuuurp! Whoosh! Down you go in the gargantuan and hungry monster’s open mouth! An alien from a supersized planet swallows you whole as you masturbate furiously to an explosive orgasm during your vore phone sex session! It is fun to pretend to be a super creature from another planet, one so big a human can go down my gullet and into my tummy. Maybe we can pretend you are none other than the Biblical Old Testament figure of Jonah who was disciplined by God through being swallowed whole by a whale. I will be the whale and you will be scared and helpless Jonah. No, you will not escape this Great Fish, Jonah! I will swallow you up and you will spend three days and three nights thrashing around helplessly in my Great Fish belly. Oh, wouldn’t you feel small and helpless in the belly of a Great Fish?

Vore Phone Sex

Or how about in the belly of a colossal alien female, perhaps the size of the Empire State Building, who grabbed little old you up from the sidewalk and swallowed you whole? Hey, I bet some of you are already get excited thinking about a vore phone sex session with Sybil. Good! Call me and we will talk about how you will shrink and be swallowed by a standard issue human being or how you will be swallowed by a Biblical Great Fish or an enormous alien from a planet where they grow them bigger than Texas style big. Heck, we will talk about creatures from a planet so enormous they could swallow all the people of Texas.

Call Sybil 1 888 8 FREAKY for vore phone sex

Vore Phone Sex with Andre

I’m a big boy with an even bigger appetite. I’m a meat eater, too – I haven’t found a kind of meat I didn’t like, in fact. I even like little pieces of meat like you. I often hear from a little guy who loves vore phone sex, and he has taught me to love it too. I’m so much bigger than he is in every way, so the fantasy holds more water when he’s calling someone like me to serve him up some delicious vore phone sex.

Vore Phone Sex

My little man is also a bit of a perv. He likes my size in all the ways people like my size. He enjoys the idea of taking my huge fuck pole deep inside his tight little fuck hole so I can make him cream filled before I eat him. Really, it’s the only way I’ll eat my own cum like that, but I imagine it’s rather tasty when it is inside a tiny man. He talks about a cookbook on my shelf – how to cook little white guys like him. Sometimes our vore phone sex includes him being prepared and cooked first, other times my guests and I just eat him as is. No matter what gets us there, the final destination is his little body being swallowed and digested while I tell him how weak and stupid he is. How could I not enjoy vore phone sex when it’s like this?

Thanks to my little vore friend, I now have a huge appetite for vore phone sex. I want you to want me to take you into my huge hands, hold you close to my large head so you can stare in my gaping mouth while I smile the last smile you will ever see. If that is even close to your fantasy, vore phone sex with someone as big as I am can bring your fantasy as close to reality as it’s gonna get. Try it out. Andre – 1 888 8 FREAKY. Don’t worry – I’m always hungry, so I’ll be ready whenever you are.

Vore Phone Sex with Frankie

Now this one started out new to me, but boooy did I get into it with my first call and realize soon after how much I just LOVE vore phone sex! We can go as soft or hard as you like down this rabbit trail! Sometimes I just nibble on my lovers and then play nurse and doctor them back to health so they’re good to go for next time! Keep em around ya know! But some lovers want to be totally annihilated! And like a good femcan, I rip them to shreds! Sometimes I straight up chew them up, piece by piece, maybe even while making love at the same time (saving those special delicacies for last!). Sometimes I drag it out. I might even whip out a cookbook and get witchy in my kitchen! Did you know ice cream scoops work GREAT for eyeball removal? And I used animal nail clippers to cut off that dangly vein thing!

Vore Phone Sex

Sometimes I don’t rip their flesh off at all, and for my little shrunken men, I just swallow them whole and keep em safe in my tummy for later. I even have a special ointment I can put on you that protects you from my stomach acid. Some lovers want anal vore—and I’m not too proud to deny them entrance! I usually just demand that they jack off inside me while they’re in there in exchange for their safety!

Others prefer UNBIRTH. What better way to experience my pussy than to be TOTALLY INSIDE IT!? You can climb my vaginal walls—but if it starts to tickle and it turns me on, watch out! You might slip and fall real quick once my juices start flowing! These lovers consider my pussy an aromatherapy treatment, taking in the aroma of my pussy deep into their lungs, into their very flesh, on their way up to my uterus.

There’s lots of options and lots of different ways of getting inside a woman during vore phone sex! If I make you small enough, I can suck you in straight through my nipples and you can swim around in a creamy ocean of white milk. It tastes sooooo good! Good for your bones too! Plenty of holes in my body for you to go exploring!

OR. If you wanna get real crazy, we can just skip all that and get right to the good stuff. Soul vore. That is the ULTIMATE offering you can give me! And I will devour it slowly, relishing every piece of your internal being! After all, love really IS a battlefield…and savage as fuck! But feeling your lifeforce and the ball of energy that is your core self that has lived many lives finally ripped free from its physical shell and pulsating deep inside MY being…it’s well beyond orgasmic! There just ain’t words that can even TOUCH those feelings!

So how about it? Are you ready to embrace your fetishes and fantasies and have vore phone sex with me? I’m licking my lips over here. I’m ready. Are you?

Dial 1 888 8 FREAKY and ask to talk to Frankie

Impregnation Phone Sex with Heidi

Cock vore impregnation phone sex – that’s more than a mouthful, right? But it’s also super intriguing too, isn’t it? Let me explain… I was daydreaming about BBC cock vore when I started to take that daydream to a new level. Imagine you’re my boyfriend and my cuck. One night we’re spending time with our bull, a big, gorgeous Black man with a huge cock. In the tradition of today’s cuckolding dynamic, you’re not just there to sit in the corner and watch. You must participate, so to earn your time with us you first have to do the obligatory comparison of cock size. This is where cuckolding turns into cock vore impregnation phone sex. Pay attention…

Impregnation Phone Sex

You’re face to face with his ginormous dick. We both tell you that you must put one hand around your sad little nub and the other around his deliciously hard battering ram. His ego is inflated just as much as yours is deflated by this act, and he tells you that you must start stroking both cocks at once. He wants you to see and feel the difference in function as well as size. The more you stroke, the softer and smaller your puny peeny gets, and the harder and bigger his seems to be. Are you imagining it, you wonder?

No. You realize there is so much more space separating your fingertips as they try to wrap around his cock. You thought it was already as hard and swollen as it could get, but now it continues to grow with every stroke. You look up and he is towering over you. Wait – is he growing or are you shrinking? Maybe both? Who cares which way the sizes are shifting? The fact of the matter is they are. Before you know it, you’re staring into the largest cock hole you’ve ever seen. You can see allllllll the way down his dick. The inside looks sticky and wet, pink and alive…it almost looks hungry.

Let the cock vore part of our cock vore impregnation phone sex begin…that cock almost seems to smile as its head looks at you. The hole curves into a mouth, then opens wide and wraps around your head. You’re getting squeezed and sucked down that sticky tube, feeling smaller with every passing second. Your tiny body eventually gets sucked into the inner tubing in your balls, and you end up so small that you get absorbed into his cum when you land inside his left nut. Now what?

OMG – at this point I’m SO turned on that I need that gigantic cock inside of me. I know you’re gone, but seeing it happen that way makes my pussy juices drip. I long to find out how his cock feels now that it’s swallowed you whole forever. Forever…or is it?

I can’t control myself. I charge forward and jump right on him, straddling that huge cock. I want him deep inside of me, pumping me full of cum, knowing that you’re in his next load. I ride and ride, giving him the pussy ride of a lifetime. He unloads inside of me over and over before we both collapse and reminisce about how much of a good cuck you were.

Two weeks later I take a pregnancy test, suspecting I already know what the result is. I was right. He impregnated me with the cum that was in his balls when you went for your last swim. You were a part of the big load – you were the secret ingredient in his best baby batter ever! My body is about to change in so many ways…

Ok, so that fantasy has really got me going. There are so many fun things we can do with a cock vore impregnation phone sex call. Maybe you’re the one getting impregnated – who knows? I want to hear about your cock vore impregnation fantasy now, so call 1 888 8 FREAKY and ask for Heidi! XOXO

Vore Phone Sex with Trixi

Do you have a truly creative sexual imagination? I bet you do. I bet science fiction stories and horror stories and all kind of fantasy stories have left you with a super duper sexual imagination. Can you imagine being swallowed hole by a living breathing dragon? Wow! Wouldn’t that be something? To have a dragon just scoop you up into its humongous mouth and take you down whole? Perhaps you learned the Bible story of Jonah and the whale when you were a child in Sunday School and grew up wondering what it would be like to be Jonah. You wondered what it could be like for a huge whale to open its mouth up and — whoosh! — you went inside, spending three days and three nights in the belly of that ocean’s enormity. Oh, how Jonah prayed for deliverance and how you would pray for release from that belly prison! Whew! What a relief when the whale vomited you back up! Of course, there are other fantasies of the vore type that I know you will enjoy talking about in vore phone sex. Perhaps you like to imagine a human who has grown to enormous size, a human being as tall as a skyscraper and broader than the average building, opening the mouth and swallowing you. Or extra-terrestrial beings of similar enormous size swallowing you. What you need to do is call Trixi for super hot, super creative vore phone sex!

Vore Phone Sex

Perhaps in your vore fantasies you like to imagine you are the humongously sized creature and you swallow someone. Maybe you want to imagine you are YOU but grown to extraordinary proportions so you can open your mouth and take a regular sized human into it. Or maybe you want to fantasize about being a dragon or a giant snake or a whale or an extra-terrestrial and taking a person into your mouth, right down your tongue and your throat and into your gut to satisfy your hunger (you are SO hungry).Would you like to swallow Trixi? Do you want this red-headed and shapely MILF gliding — whoosh! — down your tongue and throat and into your belly? Let’s talk about it!

Ass Vore Phone Sex with Riley

Whoa! So, yesterday I saw a post in a vore discussion group and now I just can’t get it out of my mind. Now I really need one of you vore pervs to call me for ass vore phone sex so we can play! You read that right – I said ASS VORE phone sex!! I mean, who doesn’t love some good anal fun? Pair that with the twisted world of vore and we’ve got a whole new and super kinky adventure to explore together!

Ass Vore Phone Sex

We all know that if you want something to absorb really quickly, you can actually stick it in your ass. So why not play with an ass vore phone sex fantasy? If you’re an ass man who wants to disappear up into my ass forever, to be absorbed into my bloodstream through my inner anal walls, never to be seen again, then you MUST give me a call! I’m just dying to swallow you whole through my asshole and then soak you up instantly – I bet it’s going to feel amazing having you dissolve and move through my bloodstream, but only after you feel that lovely sphincter of mine wrap completely around you and suck you in!

I can’t decide if I want to swallow you head first or feet first. I imagine they’re both lots of fun, but I guess it’s about what I want you to focus on as you get swallowed. Either way, the inside of my ass is going to feel like a wet and sticky mouth (minus the teeth) and when you feel that pucker wrap around you and suck you in, you’re gonna lose your vore-consumed mind!

So, are you game for a good ass vore phone sex session? I can almost taste you already. Call 1 888 8 FREAKY and ask for Riley. I’ll be happy to squeeze you in!

Vore Phone Sex with Gypsy

I’ve been so ridiculously hungry for days and nothing seems to satisfy me! I’ve eaten all of my favorite things, but there’s still a growling in my tummy that won’t go away. I’ve been trying to understand what’s going on…I think I’ve finally figured out what’s going to satisfy my hunger. What I need is a delicious helping of vore phone sex on my dining room table, and I think you’re just the savory morsel who can help me.

Vore Phone Sex

GROWL! My stomach is making some serious demands here. My mouth is watering and my tongue is tasting something other than chicken. My big, strong teeth are craving that feeling of sinking into something chewy and juicy, and I need you to volunteer to be my dinner tonight. It’s not difficult – nobody’s requesting a seven-course gourmet meal be prepared. All I need to fill my empty tummy is for you to dial the phone and ask for vore phone sex with Gypsy. I’m sure it’s a little scary, but it’s exactly what you want even though you can’t explain why. You want me to swallow you whole. You practically want to dive into my mouth, in fact.

Don’t fight it anymore. That pull is so strong – as strong as my hunger, and we BOTH won’t be satisfied until we share vore phone sex together. People share meals all the time, but not like this. You ARE my main course, and I know you’re going to be the thing that finally satisfies my hunger. I can feel you filling my tummy already, and I’m sure you can feel yourself sliding ALL the way down my throat. Now what you need to do is to make the decision and call. The number is 1 888 8 FREAKY, the name is Gypsy, and you’re the main ingredient in the best vore phone sex recipe ever!

Cock Vore Fetish Phone Sex with Beth

I’ve written before about one of my favorite vore callers, but recently he revealed to me that one of his interests in vore is very specific. Sure, you can bet he almost always wants to be swallowed up starting from his feet and moving up to his head, but a lot of times he’s into cock vore phone sex. In other words, he wants the thing that’s swallowing him to be a big black dick. How cool is that? I mean, a lot of people fantasize about swallowing a big black dick, not the other way around, but he’s not the only one. There are lots of people with the same fantasy, and that’s what I’m here for.

Vore Fetish Phone Sex

Why me? Well, first of all, I am a total BBC slut and size queen. I have no shortage of big cocks, regardless of color, that can swallow you up. They’re always around, and big cocks like that have huge appetites. I know how to give you the fantasy you’re craving, that cock vore fetish phone sex that makes you close your eyes and feel yourself being swallowed. I can even use hypnosis to help you get completely swallowed up by your cock vore fantasy. You’ll swear you can see it grow before your eyes. You’ll truly believe you can feel it as it stretches the tip around your body and slowly starts to creep its way up, sticky as the shaft starts to squeeze you down towards those gigantic balls. I’ll have you anxious and ready to take a swim in the pools of cum awaiting you. It’s ok if you get absorbed there – you’ll be released when he cums…I promise to help with that too. Cock vore fetish phone sex allows us to do just about anything, anything that’s been eating at you of course.

Help me feed my fuck buddies when they’re here. Call 1 888 8 FREAKY and ask for Beth for cock vore fetish phone sex so I can tell my company that dinner is served!!

Fat Girl Phone Sex with Malissa

I’m not shy about the fact that I’m a bit of a chonker. If you don’t know what that means, a simple google image search will tell you all you need to know. I have soft natural breasts, long silky hair, an extremely wet and eager cunt, and a very sweet disposition. What guy wouldn’t love an absolute unit of a girl like me? Honestly, I get a lot of fat girl phone sex calls from men who know how to appreciate a curvier body. I’m thick in all the right places: ass, titties, and a juicy fat pussy and I will definitely purr when you pet me.

fat girl phone sex

I know that a lot of young guys my own age are selfish and only want to use me. Sometimes boys from school say humiliating things to me while they do so. I don’t really mind, I guess but I’ve kind of backed off on fooling around with selfish schoolboys. Older men seem to appreciate fat girl phone sex a whole lot more. They love my wiggles & jiggles. Their hands squeeze and grope my thicc hips as they make me cream all over their cocks.

The best part about having fat girl phone sex with is it puts plenty of sexy encounters on the table like experimenting with sensual food play (think strawberries and whipped cream or even champagne)! I love whipping up homemade whipped cream and then licking it off your body. You can eat it off mine, too! Rarer food kinks like feederism, vore, and sploshing are definitely on the table too!

If you never considered having a chubby girlfriend before, you totally should! I promise that even dating a bigger girl is more fun. I can always decide where to eat and I will never turn down a cheeseburger. I’ve also heard that my pussy is much tighter and wetter than a skinny wench’s! Imagine exploring my body like a playground. You can always be yourself around me, and I’ll always understand. When you have fat girl phone sex you can have it all!

1-888-8-FREAKY ask for Malissa

Fetish Phone Sex : Anything Goes Phone Sex